Saturday, December 17, 2011

Young Revivalist on the Rise

A few months ago I began reading about a young lady in Georgia, named Hepzibah Nanna, that is so sold out, on-fire, full-of-the Word of God and the Spirit that I just had to read more. I'm so encouraged by her passion and by the way she reflects her ministry. She has many talents but her true talent is, she simply loves God with all her heart ans seeks to be obedient at all cost.

Hepzibah is 21 and she is way beyond many who have served Christ their whole lives. I find her sound, solid, secure and eager to be used of God. I heartily endorse her ministry. She understands true spiritual warfare and other deep experiences in Christ. She also understands suffering during times of distress. Her faith has taken her many miles, at such a young age. I'm looking forward to hearing more from her.

Hepzibah Nanna is an ordained minister with Floodgate Revival Ministries. This ministry is focused on winning souls at any cost and preparing the bride of Christ for the wedding. Many souls have been saved, the sick have been healed, the dead raised, the demons cast out, and the broken touched by the power of God. For more information about Hepzibah and this ministry go to


On Facebook, I have often seen many "Christians" arguing with and hating on atheists. I write this note to give my fellow believers a deeper understanding into atheism.

From 2002 to 2007, I battled against the spirit of atheism. Those that know me will know my story however, I will a brief overview. In 2002, a minister psychically beat me up and told me that God hated me and I was demon possessed because I wanted to worship. From that day onwards, atheism and nihilism (the belief that nothing is real) reviled against me.

Each day and each night, all the time, atheism had his tentacles wrapped around my brain - I would feel his "demon hands" in my brain trying to make me think God hated me, I was going to hell, and if I was going to hell then God was not even real. This was not an occasional struggle but it occurred for five years straight - its words would haunt, not just my mind, but my spirit. Confusion crept in along with it. I never was full-blown atheist because I warred against it but it was a war. I have battled many demons and had experiences with Satan himself but no evil spirit, not even Satan himself, has been as strong as the war against atheism.

There are occasional times when "atheists" say they are atheists because they've been hurt by the church or are offended by God, this is the time when this is NOT a spirit - it may be a spirit trying to lure them to think this way, but it is just a wounding, you will know the difference.


1.) Atheism is a spirit - do NOT argue with a person and act like they are "stupid" because they do not believe in any god, yet alone the True God.

2.) Before preaching the Gospel to an atheist, WAR against the spirit - without warfare against atheism no atheist will come to Christ

3.) Always show compassion and love towards an atheist, for LOVE CONQUERS ALL.

4.) Do not grow frustrated with their beliefs because the spirit will manifest and oftentimes cause confusion to arise within them (I was overwhelmed by confusion too and it took temporary control of me and made me want to hurt myself).

Above all else - guard your heart. When the spirit manifests or challenges you, show Christ's love, do not get in an argument - hold fast to your faith and always place the helmet of salvation upon your head.

Please feel free to share this note or any part of it!

Hepzibah Nanna


Friday, August 26, 2011

August 25, 2011

Things God Hates

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.—1 John 1:9

Things God Hates
We in the church have failed to remind this generation that while God is love, He also has the capacity to hate. He hates sin, and He will judge it with the fierceness of His wrath. This generation is schooled in the teaching about an indulgent, soft-hearted God whose judgments are uncertain and who coddles those who break His commandments. This generation finds it difficult to believe that God hates sin.

I tell you that God hates sin just as a father hates a rattlesnake that threatens the safety and life of his child. God loathes evil and diabolic forces that would pull people down to a godless eternity just as a mother hates a venomous spider that is found playing on the soft, warm flesh of her little baby.

It is His love for man, His compassion for the human race, that prompts God to hate sin with such a vengeance. He gave Heaven’s finest that we might have the best; and He loathes with a holy abhorrence anything that would hinder our being reconciled to Him.

What Does God Hate?

What does God hate, you ask? Solomon answers the question in the Book of Proverbs. We read: “These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren” (Proverbs 6:16-19).

First, God hates a proud look. The Bible says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). It says, “those who walk in pride He is able to put down” (Daniel 4:37). And again the Bible says, “Behold, I am against you, O most haughty one!” (Jeremiah 50:31).

Read the conclusion at:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

News From Liberty Counsel

	Today Jerry Buell, the highly respected Florida

public school teacher who was suspended from
teaching after voicing his opposition to
"same-s*x marriage" on his personal Facebook
account, has returned to the classroom. Liberty
Counsel defended Mr. Buell's constitutional
rights and prevailed! Read the details of this
travesty below and see how Liberty Counsel is
standing against similar attacks across the
nation - Matt Staver

Jerry Buell has been reinstated as a teacher at Mount Dora
High School, allowing him to return to the classroom today.
Liberty Counsel Senior Litigation Counsel Harry Mihet
spearheaded our aggressive defense of Mr. Buell's
constitutional freedoms.

Yesterday afternoon, the Lake County (Florida) School
Board made its decision after a week-long "investigation"
into comments Buell made on his personal Facebook page
about New York's same-sex "marriage" laws.

The pro-family Buell is firmly opposed to same-sex marriage,
as are the majority of Floridians who passed a constitutional
amendment prohibiting such "unions" in their state.

The school system Superintendent met with Buell and
Mihet Tuesday afternoon and then announced the Board's

This persecuted teacher turned to Liberty Counsel for help.

When Mr. Buell, last year's "Teacher of the Year" at Mount
Dora High School, learned of his suspension from teaching
and reassignment to non-classroom duties, he knew he needed
expert legal help. Thankfully, Liberty Counsel was able to
quickly come to his aid at no cost to him.

On his Facebook page, Buell had commented that
homosexuality is a sin and that seeing two "grooms"
kissing on a news story revolted him.

A former student from his school saw his post, took
offense, and "reported" him to school system officials.

Citing an "ethics code violation" pending an investigation,
the Lake County School District responded by taking away
Buell's teaching privileges and reassigning him to
administrative duties.

Liberty Counsel quickly moved to defend Jerry Buell's

Harry Mihet immediately went to work on Mr. Buell's defense
strategy. The School Board's reinstatement decision came
in less than a week. Following the Board's decision to
reinstate Mr. Buell, Mihet commented...

"This is a great day for the Constitution. By fully
exonerating Mr. Buell, the Lake County School Board
has reaffirmed what the rest of Americans already
knew. The First Amendment protects the right of
public servants to express their personal opinion
without any fear or intimidation."

Constitutional freedoms are under siege nationwide!

The problem Buell faced is more widespread than anyone
might imagine. More and more, public and private sector
employees are being forced to forgo their constitutional
freedoms, especially those holding a conservative
viewpoint (pro-family, pro-life, pro-liberty positions)
that might be considered "intolerant" or insensitive
to the small minority promoting "alternative lifestyles."

Two days ago, Liberty Counsel's widely-distributed news
release said this...

"Public school teachers are not constitutional orphans.
They, like all Americans, enjoy the freedom to engage
in discourse about matters of public concern... If
the First Amendment does not protect Mr. Buell's
right to voice his personal opinion, on his personal
time, from his personal computer, on his personal
Facebook page, then the First Amendment means

This type of assault on First Amendment rights - and labeling
pro-moral Americans' comments as "hate speech" - is becoming
epidemic in America. Such vicious attacks are creating
an unprecedented number of cases for Liberty Counsel as
we defend persecuted educators and others free of charge.

This persecution and anti-religious bigotry must stop!

Help Liberty Counsel defend students' and school system
employees' rights from attacks by intolerant censors.

We cannot fight attacks targeting educators like Jerry Buell
without the faithful and generous support of friends like
you. That's why your support is so very crucial - especially now!

I urge you to join with other God-fearing
Americans and help us stand up to radical factions
that seek to destroy our religious, social, and
moral foundations.

Please consider a generous gift today to help us defend
educators like Jerry Buell and other public employees against
this kind of persecution by misguided local administrations
that choose to bow to demands for "political correctness."

As shown by Jerry Buell's case, we MUST be able to
move quickly to stop such attacks before they gain

Liberty Counsel can prevail only if you stand with us!

Jerry Buell is a gifted educator, a good citizen among many
others who are being persecuted in the name of "political
correctness" by a small number of pro-homosexual and
anti-religion activists.

Jerry is not the first public employee we have been
asked to defend...and he certainly won't be the last!

As you may recall, a few years ago the American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU) contrived a trap in which two senior school
employees in Northwest Florida were charged with CRIMINAL
contempt and faced $5,000 in fines, six months in jail,
and the loss of their collective 70 years of retirement

Their "crime" was asking a blessing over a meal!

Like Jerry Buell, our clients in the notorious Santa Rosa
County case were well-respected, outstanding public
servants. Believe me, we are both humbled and proud to
serve such exemplary citizens.

The outrage in Northwest Florida happened because the ACLU's
radical agenda to criminalize all expressions of Christianity
in public settings, in this case taking the form of an
unconstitutional Consent Decree, was implemented in that

But, it could have just as easily happened
in your community!

After two years of intense legal confrontations, faced with
an imminent trial and damning evidence of their extensive
constitutional violations, in July of this year the ACLU
and the Santa Rosa School District agreed to settle Liberty
Counsel's federal lawsuit.

We aggressively challenged their notorious Consent
Decree on behalf of 24 students and a number of
teachers, parents, and other community members.

This ACLU "Consent Decree initiative" in Santa Rosa County
was a template of what the ACLU wants to do across the
country! We feel certain that we have not seen the end
of this outrageous ACLU strategy. After we won several
victories in Santa Rosa County, we expect counter-attacks
in other communities...possibly in a place near you or
your loved ones.

Whether it takes just a week or several years, Liberty
Counsel is dedicated to stopping attacks on our precious

As I've said before, the reality is that we are
facing powerful and dangerous adversaries on the
battlefield for liberty. It is necessary that I
ask for your help to continue fielding the best
possible defense (and offense!) to counter these

We depend on friends who give $20, $30, $50, $100 - whatever
the Lord leads - so we can stay involved in crucial national
battles like our ongoing lawsuit against ObamaCare while
continuing to stand up for the constitutional rights of
grassroots Americans like Jerry Buell.

You don't have to look far to see that attacks
on marriage, the sanctity of life, freedom of speech,
and all the other foundational liberties upon which
our society is built are exponentially increasing.
That's why our caseload at Liberty Counsel is also
rapidly growing!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Healed of cancer in 2011

David Hammock has faced many physical battles in the last two years.Most significantly has been the battle with cancer while confronting other illnesses. Many of David's ministry activities have been curtailed or altered in order for treatments to occur.

No one but the Lord and a few close friends and family members have really known what David has gone through but God never ceased to fulfill his promises found in the Bible.

"There were many days I simply don't remember, I was so overwhelmed. Compassionate strangers taught me much about gratitude and humility. I don't know what I would have done without the
m. Sometimes all I could do was ask God for enough grace to even get out of bed and walk. The weakness, fatigue and side effects were frightening at times.

Other moments I thought my hopes and dreams were over. Then..God would come through for me once again...just like He does for all of us. Thanks to all of you for your prayers." David Hammock

*Photograph by volunteer, Danny James of the American Cancer Society. David and fellow cancer survivor on their last day of treatment for cancer at Duke Raleigh Hospital, Raleigh, NC USA.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Man's Thoughts on Clevage Among Christian Women

Should She Show it or not?
by David Hammock on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 8:46pm

It is a shame that not only inside the church, but also on the grounds of the church and in the marketplace, that more and more professing Christian women (married or unmarried), are bolder in their expressions of their sensuality, sexuality and feminism, through their choices in apparel, conversations and other interests that it becomes increasingly more difficult for a man (and a minister such as myself) to even attempt to find a woman who can dress "with modest" apparel in order that God might be pleased and a man of integrity might be respected.

If a woman's body is available for visual public consumption, then who does this "Christian" lady belong to? Is her body truly the "temple" of the Holy Spirit? Does her body belong only to her, God and her chosen one? If everybody gets a "peek" at this caliente' chica, then what makes her body special in the first place?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Feel Misunderstood?

Feel misunderstood by those who say they care for you the most?
Wonder where people are when you're down, and in the most painful and agonizing places of your life? Ever feel like others just don't GET you? Maybe hope seems like only a concept to think about and wonder about and yet you keep reaching out and reaching out to the one who does give you hope? This video speaks for itself. I know it will speak to you.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Men Still Want Christian Women

Men Want Christian Women, not Girls Gone Wild
Opinion by Focus on the Family

(March 19, 2009) in Religion / Christianity
By Heather Koerner | Focus on the Family Blog

According to a recent study, college women may drink to excess to impress men, but the men aren't impressed.

The participants, aged 18-25, filled out online surveys during the 2007 fall semester. The women answered questions relating to how many drinks they thought a typical college guy would like his female friends to drink as well as the maximum number of drinks he would prefer. The men then answered questions related to their preferences.

The results? The majority of women (71 percent) overestimated the men's actual preferences by an average of 1 1/2 drinks.

"There is a great, and risky, disconnect here between the sexes," lead author Joseph LaBrie said in a statement. "While not all women may be drinking simply to get a guy's attention, this may help explain why more women are drinking at dangerous levels."

Reading this article made me, quite frankly, just sad. The author is right -- probably not all of these young women are drinking simply to get a guy's attention. Maybe some of them, for some reason, enjoy knocking back five or more drinks. But my guess is that it's not very many.

I'm sure that not all women who dress provocatively do it for a guy's attention. But I really wonder if their idea of "these clothes make me feel pretty" isn't based at least somewhat on the power to turn a man's head.

And there may be those Sex in the City "Samantha" types who just want to have unattached, unencumbered sex. But I've comforted one too many college roommates who gave themselves to a man only to be dumped once again, to really believe that to be the norm.

For me, this study was just a reminder. A reminder that I am the Lord's but I am also living in a world saturated with "Girls Gone Wild" messages of how to attract a man. I need to intentionally face those messages and filter them through the Word of God. The world may tell me to sex it up. But my God tells me that He cherishes modesty. The world may encourage me to table dance for the party, but my God tells me that He cherishes a gentle and quiet spirit. The world may tell me that drunkenness is attractive. My God tells me that it's not.

One of the desires of my heart is for a man who loves the Lord to also love me. I need to understand that following the world's advice will not make that happen. And, in the end, I really don't want the world's advice. I don't want to be an object who loses her worth at the first sign of a root or a wrinkle. My God tells me that I am a fellow heir who is to be loved and respected. Girls, I'll take that every day of the week.

The Latest News on Chrislam in America

Pastors that are really wolves in sheep’s clothing

We knew this day was going to come, when the liberal “love gospel” preachers who, desiring to fill their seats and bank accounts, would find a way to merge apostate Christianity with the Devil’s religion of Islam.
That day is here.

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans
write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true
witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy
works, that thou art neither cold nor hot:I would thou wert
cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither
cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”
(Revelation 3:14-16)

Just recently, Rick Warren, founder and pastor of Saddleback Community Church in Orange County California, addressed the convention of the Islamic Society
of North America. Warren stated that Muslims and Christians must work together to combat stereotypes, promote peace and freedom, and solve global problems. Christians and Moslems – faith mates, soul mates and now work mates! Chrislam! source – Whole
Truth Help

This weekend, the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston along with Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit will initiate a series of sermons that have been designed to produce an ecumenical reconciliation between Christianity and Islam. In addition to the sermons,
the Sunday school lessons will center on the inspired teachings of the Prophet Mohammad. Qurans will be placed in the pews next to the Bibles.

Note: Belief in the divinity of Jesus is condemned in Islam as shirk (filth).

The concept of Chrislam, now embraced by such preachers as Rick Warren and Robert Schuller, appears to have emerged from a program on the meaning of “love your neighbor” at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta, Georgia “In 2001, like most Americans, we were pretty awakened to the true Islamic presence in the world and in the United States,” says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. “Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them.”

Stallsmith maintains that a rapprochement between Muslims and Christians can be achieved by the fact that Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times in the Quran.

The Chrislam movement has gained impetus by statements from President George W. Bush and that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God and by Rick Warren’s reference to Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) in his prayer at the inauguration of President Barack Obama.

Only 30 percent of Americans have a favorable view of Muslims, according to a Pew Forum poll. At the same time, more than half the country says they know “not very much” or “nothing at all” about the Islamic faith. “The recent political developments and the fact that we’re fighting two wars in Muslim countries should
sharpen that need to know how to talk to these guys,” Stallsmith insists “We want to find peace, reconciliation around a scriptural understanding of Jesus.”

Jesus in the Quran is neither the only-begotten Son of God nor the Messiah who was divinely appointed to restore the House of David. He is rather viewed as a prophet who was appointed by Allah to prepare mankind for the coming of Mohammad.” source – The Last Crusade

"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution i designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other."

John Adams ( 1735 -1826 )
2nd President and Founding Father of the United States

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Amazing Grace movie trailer

Do you know the story behind and old Christian song, "Amazing Grace"? William Wilberforce first fought for the abolition of slavery and John Newton was a slave-trader. Both fought for nearly 20 years in England before the truth was honored. Take a peek at "Amazing Grace."

Small Things Are Big Things by Teresa Conlon

Teresa Conlon, wife of Pastor Carter Conlon, speaks from the pulpit at Times Square Church in New York City. She is one of the most humble women I know in America. She is for real. I know of no other woman more dedicated, committed and pure in heart.

She speaks from the book Matthew, chapter 13, about how Jesus began the process of sowing the seeds of discipleship into the lives of 12 men. He started with a few simple truths using parables. God comes to a hungry heart, even if you feel only a tiny, tiny bit of faith to know God in a greater way, despite small things. In time, the smallest things can become the greatest. The tiniest seed of truth can grow into a tree. In becomes greater.

No matter what the size of the seed is, it can produce greatness. God says wait! I will produce greatness. It is the seed of God, the seed of the kingdom...the seed of truth. Let God do it. God will never leave us or forget us.

Obama Celebrates Abortion on 38th Roe Anniversary |

Obama Celebrates Abortion on 38th Roe Anniversary |

Monday, January 24, 2011

First Day On The Job

Teresa Conlon of Times Square Church in New York City (where Founder of Teen Challenge and Sr. Pastor David Wilkerson is located) speaks on the beginning of the work of the 12 disciples and what followed. Teresa is the wife of Pastor Carter Conlon, also of TSC.

First Day On The Job

Saturday, January 22, 2011

God and his Holy Sprit

It all Starts With a Lie

Satan's 12 Step Program

Whether you believe that evil has a logical path is not what is being suggested here. But… Satan is the Father of all evil and....
• HE MUST BEGIN WITH A LIE. You must believe a lie to tell a lie.(Knowing the truth-Jesus, the Word, living the truth, faith in the truth, working by love, and discernment must start here, if you know Jesus and want to be armed for victory. IF you are not armed, you will be deceived). You have no alternative, but the world, the flesh, the devil, if you walk away from God and choose defeat.


• THE WAY OF THE CROSS IS KEY! Die daily, take up your cross and follow Christ. This is the truth path for the "overcomer."
Satan's only strategy is to KILL, STEAL, AND DESTROY. We bring our vulnerabilities, (different from our weaknesses), weaknesses, limitations and also our strengths into every situation. It is what we do with them that determines if we are overcome, or WE ARE THE OVERCOMER.

Discontentment and emptiness in the USA have been labeled contentment and fulfillment. This is a delusion of reality which allows Satan to operate almost at will, it seems in the life of some believers.

So what's normal? Many who are born-again can no longer answer this question in the American church. Why? They have accepted doctrines of devils, having itching ears, and been allowed to believe a lie. They have been seduced and deceived. Without power in prayer, along with true faith, true agape love and heaven sent discernment in these last days, many will accept a counterfeit church, a counterfeit revival, a counterfeit life, counterfeit relationships, counterfeit blessings, and a counterfeit walk with God, based on lies that begin with Satan.

Antagonism, apathy and passivity have become the norm for a church that is disconnected from the head (Christ), and a church (the Body) that is disconnected from one another. 75% of all Americans say they have only 2 confidants. (This includes those within the church, as well as those outside the church). The average person lives to be 77 years of age, and spends only 7 months of their entire life with God in prayer, or other time with God. How tragic! Is there any wonder Satan defeats people so easily?


1-Disguise (Counterfeit) - a lie, an ungodly belief, a generational curse, spirit/soul tie or demonic oppression are at the beginning of the program. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free (John 8:32). We are also told, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6). If you're kept from the truth, then you are vulnerable to a disguise.

2- Deception…This is his continual pattern. Offer a counterfeit, seduce, to be sly as a fox, as in the Garden of Eden, and appear to be truthful. Adolph Hitler said, "The bigger the lie, the more that will believe it." History has proven that statement to be true. Satan counts on a lack of discernment, a lack of knowledge and a lack of wisdom among those called to be "wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." If you weren't valuable to God and a threat to evil, Satan wouldn't waste his time on you. But...he does roam to and from throughout the earth, seeking whom he may devour. matter how little, Satan wants to build your disappointment inventory, hoping to get you to focus on your failures, and others who have failed you. The more he can chip away at your faith, hope, love, and victorious Christian living, the less encouraged you will be. He doesn't want you to share encouragement with others, so his goal becomes finding anything, and everything, anybody and everybody to disappoint you. Building this tower to the point it reaches discouragement is what wants to do. This world will never offer anything but temporary pleasure. It will always disappoint you. There are many dead-end streets. That's where Satan wants you to travel. When a pattern or cycle of disappointment comes, Satan's goal is to take you to a place beyond disguise, deception and disappointment.

4-Discouragement-Although things don't always go right as we see them; Satan wants you to think God is not for you. (Jeremiah 29:11) says different. If Satan can get you to believe "I can't," even though Philippians 4:13 says you "can," and also get you to believe God "won't" when Philippians 4:19 says God "will," then Satan's goal is to cut you off from your source of encouragement and strength.

5-Displeasure-Satan just generally wants to be unhappy. He wants you to find fault with everything around you, and everybody around you. The world does not center around you and me. "Happy" is the man who obeys the commandments of God, Scripture tells us this. Don't seek to derive pleasure from this world. It lasts only a few moments before the emptiness sets in. Unsaved people will always disappoint you. Never expect from man, what only God can give.

6-Distraction and entanglement-(Think of a spider's web). Satan wants you confused, stepping out of the will of God, tantalized by what looks like Godly opportunities, but they are really traps. Satan wants you off the gospel road, and on "rabbit trails" so you lose your way. The Bible says "the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord." God's order is confirmed through His peace, His stillness and His rest. Satan wants things to "get in your way" to prevent you from prayer, fasting, fellowship, growth, evangelism and maintaining an eternal perspective.

7-Detour-A good sign you're on the right track, is when you feel Satan tempting you to "get off track." We must persevere, and stand during those times. Know what the blueprint is. Look at it often. The Father will always "lead you down the paths of righteousness" for His name's sake. Satan always wants you to take "the easy way" out. God will never detour you from obedience unto Himself. The detour leads to your downfall. No matter how it looks, or feels, God will never in His infinite wisdom, detour you, or mislead you. He confirms the truth of your path through His word and through His Spirit.

8-Displacement-Moving you into another area that you shouldn't be walking in will completely upset the plans of God temporarily. Usually a temptation that looked "Godly" led to this and you submitted. It wasn't God; I assure you. You’re completely where you don't need to be. You will remain "stuck" there apart from the power of the Holy Spirit to deliver you. Avoid relationships of any kind, at any time that will displace you.

9-Discontentment-Satan does not want you to experience the joy of the Lord which is your strength. At this point, you're starting to feel like giving up. Church and the body of Christ you avoid. The Word has lost its power for the moment in your life. Nothing "fresh" is happening. You're miserable. You feel abandoned by God during this time. Maybe you feel alone or lonely. Where did God go, you might ask? Maybe you feel forsaken. Satan wants you at a point of total discontentment so that you will be totally disillusioned about church, God, the Word and Christians, and Satan wants you to stop praying. He knows if He can get you to this point, he can cut off your "supply line" as occurs in the military, as a strategy to defeat the enemy. We are the enemy of Satan. He is our enemy.

10-Disgusted-Satan likes to weaken your resistance to evil, and for you to reduce your attacks against evil by using failure and other factors to minimize your efforts. Wearing you down by multiple attacks, particularly "getting hit with everything at once" is one of his favorite schemes. Completely overwhelming the saint is what Satan is frequently doing in these last days. You’re not alone. Ask for help from those you trust, who trust in God so they may share your struggles. Seek Godly counsel. God has a breakthrough right around the corner.

11-Disillusionment-You've failed so much you're ready to give up, so you stop looking to God, others, and you don't have faith or confidence in yourself. You are almost backslidden, if not there. You are living in defeat. You're miserable. You are powerless. You are ready to "hang it up." Life has lost its meaning. Nothing is working. There is nothing but the world, the flesh and the devil to draw from. Emptiness fills your life. Remember...this all began with a disguise: A COUNTERFEIT OFFER ---- A LIE!

12-Despair-disease-hopelessness, severe depression, being at wits end…all may have set in, which LEAD TO DEATH. That was the enemy's plan all along: Destroy your mind, your emotions, your body, your finances, your relationship with God, your family and others, wreck your job, create unusual trials and circumstances through continually weakening you, draining you of your resources, day after day, until you can not overcome. You are powerless. You need deliverance. Most likely you are up against principalities. You will need help to get out of this "pit." Deliverance is the only thing that will work. Some who have tasted of the fruit of heaven do not return to God, and even go as far as to commit suicide.

** Pray, fast, repent, confront the enemy and tear down the strongholds. These are 5 strategic answers to always defeat the devil. If we are to do greater things than Jesus, we were meant to have as many or more victories. Otherwise, we are all stepping into one of these 12 steps that lead to death at some point along the journey. We don't have to take this journey. Victory in Christ Jesus is ours. If we have a spirit of humility, submission and obedience, Satan will always flee.

David Hammock. Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved.


In these perilous times we now live in, prior to the return of Jesus Christ, like never before, we have before us an urgent plea from Heaven's throne of grace to become holy as He is holy...the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Bible tells us without holiness, NO MAN..shall see God.

Through humility, submission, genuineness, repentance, faith, grace, and obedience...we can obtain the gift of holiness of God, only because of the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem. The holiness prescribed by the works of the flesh or the expectations of the world church are not what I'm talking about.

At the essence of who God is we find the truth, love, HOLINESS and the absolute, sovereign authority of El Shaddai...The God who said to Moses in the Old Testament, "I am that I am."

Enjoy the video by Donny McClurkin. Sense the presence of God and allow Him to touch you while you watch.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What it is Really Going to take for a Revival in the Church and Throughout the Earth

Deception in the Media

We live in a nation that continues to sink further and further into a pit of deception. Many profess themselves to be wise and they have become fools. Once upon a time in America we knew ourselves, one another, what right and wrong meant and what good and evil meant. Now...sadly the lenses of most have become blurred.

This did not happen overnight. Slowly we began to depart from the vision of our founding fathers and the words of stability that once anchored our nation. In 2011, many even dare to question the validity of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Some are saying the writers didn't know what they were talking about, while others are attempting to reinterpret the original intent of the authors. When America has to question if a marriage is really between a man and a woman, and we have to wait for the Supreme Court to overrule what God has already declared to be natural...we're in a desperate state...a very desperate state of deception. Even our churches are denying the validity of the Bible.

Young people feel ostracized from the truth. They feel that one of the primary characteristics of a successful person in America is to be a good liar. Young people as well as adults feel betrayed by Washington because of a departure from the truth in favor of easy believe-ism, political correctness, situation ethics and simply ignoring common sense and reasoning, while substituting truth with what feels good, what is easy, what is convenient, and what works for the moment instead of what is solid, and has been proven to stand the tests of time.

(You may discover a recent survey conducted among 1,000 of America's young people quite informative and revealing.Go to: to read "Research Study Refutes Popular Ideas About Young Americans". Your comments are welcomed.

Where did it all begin? Propaganda! Mostly from the media. If one third of the angels in heaven could be deceived, I wonder....just how many people on the Earth can be deceived before the return of Jesus Christ?

Take a look at the following video with Oprah. What do you think?

David Hammock

David Jeremiah - The Prophetic Clock Is Ticking!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Spiritual Changes are on the Way

On the Brink of Waves of CHANGE in the Spirit
By David Hammock on Saturday, January 15, 2011 at 11:59pm

Something is fixing to change in the Spirit. God is preparing to move mightily in those who will completely surrender....becoming prostrate before God to the point we've never gone before. It is a purer place of holiness. It is a place of true "holy" power, not something worked up in the flesh or in our carnal minds. We must be moved and flow with this move of the Spirit and not resist. It will be a new place of power. This is a "now" move. We should not be distracted. There is more that we all must lay down and do it without questioning God. If we are to be a voice in the wilderness as John the Baptist; it is a place of separation UNTO God, NOT AWAY FROM Him.

God is calling us to holy repentance, not religious repentance. We have been intellectually taught what repentance is, but we have not fully stepped into the on-going death of the “old man” that must occur for true repentance to be present. If there is no true repentance there is no true holiness. God desires as David prayed, a "clean heart and the renewal of a right spirit within."

For far too many years the religious church has looked upon the outer appearance, and tried to mold the inner man into a holy creature. Yet...every work of God is done from the inside out, not the outside in. Have we not lived within the kingdom of the church rather than the kingdom of God? "Man looketh upon the outward appearance but God looketh upon the heart." Nothing takes place as far as spiritual growth is concerned if it is not birthed in the heart or spirit of man.

David Hammock. Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved.